The North Carolina Workforce and Justice Alliance is a network of companies — from large corporations to small businesses — who are committed to equal justice across the state.
The North Carolina Workforce & Justice Alliance (NC WJA) is a resource for businesses to learn about and engage in justice-related issues that directly impact economic development across the state. The work of the NC WJA is directly informed by local advocates, formerly incarcerated individuals, and the business community. NC WJA stands committed to a set of core principles, decided by its members, which are used to assess future activities and campaigns. Members are invited to participate in joint activities on an “opt in” basis.
Why businesses?
Businesses are powerful catalysts for change. When companies talk, they create impact. Businesses have the power to shift narratives, elevate new ideas, and shed light on important issues — and they have an unparalleled ability to call on governments, leaders, and change-makers.
As states across the country face unprecedented labor shortages, the need for businesses to help remove barriers imposed on justice-involved individuals, increase access to economic mobility, and expand talent pools has never been greater. At the same time, businesses are increasingly embracing a position of responsibility, integrating efforts to help build healthy communities through their core operations and company missions. It’s clear: the business case for criminal justice reform has never been more important.
Why North Carolina?
Over the past several years, North Carolina has been quietly reforming many aspects of its criminal justice system. Groups across the political spectrum, including local businesses and chambers, have put their ideological differences aside to support common sense reform. They’ve proven that criminal justice reform is not only good for public safety and state budgets — it also has a positive impact on businesses, communities, and the economy.
Why now? Why you?
We are at a tipping point. Criminal justice reform is one of the most talked about issues of the decade. As one of very few bipartisan policy issues, justice reform is primed for progress. The groundswell of support, both political and public, is overwhelming.
Now is the time for you to use your voice, power, and leverage — and North Carolinians expect you to. Businesses can make a real and lasting impact on criminal justice reform. Join a group of like-minded business leaders across the state to push for progress.
“Networks like WJA will be instrumental in unlocking our social and economic potential during the post-pandemic economy. By harnessing the power of business to deliver much needed justice reform, these coalitions help create safer, more just and more prosperous societies.”
— Jeff Korzenick
Author, Untapped Talent